Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'll Bet Algebra Was Cool

Is algebra important in the real world? How is it necessary? How could algebra be used to buy goods in a store? Duh!  
(Those are just statements of people from all walks of life that when asked how algebra can be essential to our daily life adventure)

     Honestly, algebra has always been a huge part of our lives. From paying our fares when riding a jeepney to calculating the distance traveled. However, most people do not realize that algebra is used almost every day in their lives. Why is that anyway?

    To begin with, first may I introduce to you our group, Fear Busters! Technically, our group aims in removing all your anxieties and fear of algebra so that you could face algebra problems with confidence and a huge smile on your faces. Sounds cool huh? But anyway, let me tell you how our group do the magic.

    For the first session, we organized a game. Actually the reason why we skipped the lecture part is to impart that algebra is really fun and harmless. Through this, students would experience algebra without thinking all the out-of-this-world equations and solutions; rather they would feel that algebra is just a sort of a simple arithmetic. And later, when we proceed to the lecture part, they would not fear the equations and instead look the problems in a more positive thinking.

     For the first part of the game, we created a quiz bowl participated by groups. The quiz bowl consists of all the topics in algebra, from linear equations to quadratic equations. The game has 3 rounds, the easy, average and hard levels. The points garnered by each group would be ranked according to lowest to highest. Once they were ranked, it would determine their number for the second game.

     The second game involves physical and mental strategies but for the fun part, no calculations needed! The objective is simply to find all the letters in the ALGEBRA word in the shortest time possible. The letters were labelled by numbers 1-3, which determine the rank of each group and also to ensure that the groups collect the letters marked for them. So yeah, the winners would be guaranteed with a sweet price!

   Now, for the second session of our Fear Busters day, we delivered our group’s awesomazing presentation. We first presented our impromptu skit tackling all the topics in algebra. Of course, we won’t tackle it in a boring and ruthless way. Remember that our main goal is to let you enjoy algebra as much as possible? So, we made sure you’re getting much of our dear services.  (HAHAHAHA)

     Once we’ve finished presenting the topics in algebra, we put it into debate. The debate was about the importance of algebra in our daily lives. The group divided into pros and cons. The pros claimed that algebra is useful in our daily lives, provided with examples and convincing reasons. While the cons argued that, “No, it has no importance in our daily lives. Stop relating algebra and live the life without it!!!!” It was a tough comparison of ideas, knowing that both groups have its own point. But in the end of the day, it was you, yourself, who will decide if you needed algebra by your side.

    To put it in general, we just want to imply that algebra is reasonably important no matter what application you would use to put into your life. However, it is your decision to use it or not. But, you must also remember that algebra with its advantage can take you to many places and mold you into someone you wanted in the future. Choose wisely. In the end, it’s your own decision that mattered.

       We are just here if you needed some help!

PS: Thank you for cooperating and also for having fun with us! It really meant a lot to us. Arigatou gozaimasu!

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