After everything that was said and done, what will be the future of
mathematics? With almost everything being discovered, how could this language
be strengthened when everything is about to be defined by mathematical symbols
as well as representations? What will keep this language alive and be further
studied? To infinity and beyond, the fourth installment of The Story of Maths
revolved around certain people, of any race and gender, who spent most of their
lives solving the most important mathematical problems of all times which then
gives us the hint to the possible future that mathematics may take.
In Paris , the greatest congress led by David
Hilbert became memorable for almost all the mathematicians who have been able
to witness the settling out of the 23 most important problems in mathematics
which became the bridge on redefining mathematics of the modern age.
In Halle , East Germany ,
there was this known mathematician who spent his life studying mathematics and
became the first person to really understand the concepts of infinity, George
Cantor. He bagged his way to the top through proving the infinity of the whole
numbers, fractions as well as decimals. He was never worried of knowing the
exact end of infinity unlike other mathematicians because he believed that the
abstract of infinity is not in the hands of mathematicians, but of God. He
continued his study in the clinic because he suffered from his mental illness
triggered by the kind of math he was dealing with. Then there comes a storm,
continuum hypothesis, he doesn’t know how to solve this problem. This problem
talks about locating the infinity between the smaller infinity of all the whole
numbers and the larger of all the decimals.
Another European mathematician is
taking the spotlight out of the other mathematicians, Henri Poincare. As Paris progresses to
become the central for world mathematics, Poincare became the sought-out
mathematician to lead the others mathematicians. Algebra, geometry, analysis
and different fields of Math, he covered everything. He was even given the
recognition for studying the positions of the planets in the solar system as
well as the orbits which became significant to what we know as chaos theory. He
even pointed out that in order to foresee the outcome of all the studies done
through mathematics; we should study the past and connect it to the present
discoveries of science.
In Kaliningrad
in Russia ,
a famous 7 bridges started out as a puzzle where mathematicians try to find out
if they can cross each of the seven bridges once. Leonhard Euler proved it to
become impossible, not by getting the distances between the bridges but by
looking through how those bridges were connected with each other. This
connection as well as positions in geometrical terms called topology or bendy
Back to David Hilbert, he showed
that an infinite number of equations can be divided up to become a finite set.
For him, he does not care whatever you are (a penguin, an ox, a man of
different color) as long as you discovered something relevant to mathematics.
He believed that math as a universal language could unlock all the secrets of
mathematics, even his 23 mathematical problems. But his belief came to an end
as Kurt Godel tried to solve his second problem. He proved the opposite of what
was about to be discovered on Hilbert’s problem. He called his discovery the
incompleteness theorem. He pointed out that there are statements, mathematical
statements, which are true but are hardly proven.
During World War II, when Nazis came
to overpower almost all the countries in Europe ,
Math became a dying language. With almost all mathematicians suffering and
dying, some decided to leave their country to transfer to America where bigger, better
opportunities await. As time comes, American youngsters became more interested
in living a stress-free lifestyle than involving themselves in mathematical
works. But there’s this one guy who stood out, Paul Cohen. Being a mathematical
whiz, he studied about Cantor’s unresolved continuum hypothesis. He was able to
justify and give proof to the hypothesis which gave him the fame, riches and
everything nice. He even decided to study Hilbert’s eighth problem, Riemann’s
hypothesis for 40 years until he died.
This installment of Story of Maths
also covered the women who made big in the field of mathematics like Sofia
Kovalevskaya, Emmy Noether and Julia Robinson, the first woman to be elected
president of the American Mathematical Society. She was really interested in
learning mathematics and wanted to go to places where there were
mathematicians. She went to Berkeley
to find her luck with the hopes of being a mathematician. She met Raphael
Robinson, a number theorist, and discovered that they have more in common than
just the love for mathematics. Together, they settled down and looked for ways
to solve Hilbert’s tenth problem in search for a method that would identify if
a certain equation could have a whole number solution or not. This problem was
solved by the Russian Mathematician, Yuri Matiyasevich, who used Robinson’s
former discoveries and works.
Many mathematicians have been given
credit to their contributions to math like Andre Well, to the anonymous
mathematicians who used an alias like Nicolus Borbaki and many more. But as
years go by, the controversial Riemann’s hypothesis still become unsolvable. Not
everything in mathematics has been given proof that’s why continuous study and
research is needed, going back through the Egyptians and Ancient
mathematicians’ contributions, up to the discovery of the greatest concepts of
math including zero and the theorems that made math interesting up to the
present times.
With this installment, including the
first three installments that I saw, it gave me a great background on the
different concepts of Math. The more difficult a concept of math is, the more
it becomes applicable to the real world. Many mathematicians sacrificed their
social lives in search for something that will be relevant to studying the
natural world and become more aware of the connections of math with everything
we see. There might be these unresolved problems of math, but there was this
quote of Hilbert that gave us the guarantee that everything is bound for
discovery that “We must know, we will know.” I see math as a great way for a
better understanding and better view of the universe because to every problem,
there will always be a solution no matter how long proving might take.
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