Movie Review 4
Story of Maths 4
To Infinity and Beyond
For the
previous story of maths it had untold the mysteries that the world has laid
upon us. The history of mathematics had journeyed to the different countries
across the globe to seek the root and origin of the modern mathematics we have
been using nowadays. It has been known that the countries of Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Greece, India, China, Islamic Empire, Persia, Italy, France,
Holland, Britain, Germany and Switzerland became the flagship of the early mathematical
discoveries. They had contributed to the discoveries and inventions of
theorems, principles, axioms and rules in arithmetic, geometry, algebra and
other branches of mathematics. In which the great minds from the north, south,
east and west had prevailed to conquer the unresolved problems of the
developing world.
journey had come this far to cross the path of Eastern Germany, where the great
mathematician George Cantor had lived to be the first person to understand the
concept of infinity. There are infinitely much infinity. There are infinities
in fraction in which he showed by putting them in infinity grids. The concept
of infinity has opened a new door of mathematical progress. According to
Cantor, the absolute infinite is only in God.
But the continuum hypothesis became Cantor’s problem he tussled for the
rest of his life that he didn’t leaved to the hands of the almighty.
mathematician that had been the greatest man produced by France was Henri
Poincare. He was good at the world of mathematics and lead to all kinds of its
applications. Poincare simplified the mathematical technique that Newton had
started. It was all about how the solar system turns in the orbit. But he made
a mistake on his simplification. His discovery had led to the Chaos theory we
now know. Aside from his illustrious gaffe
he also wrote various books about the importance of mathematics. Poincare’s
most vital contribution to modern mathematics was the Seven Bridges of
Konigsberg. Leonhard Euler originally solved the century puzzle in which he
proved that there could be no route of passing the seven bridges only once. He made
a conceptual leap to solve the problem. This problem was considered to be a new
position of geometry, which is the topology. Topological principles are widely
used just like in all of the metro maps all over the world. Poincare worked out
on topological problems and the questions turned out to be Poincare Conjecture.
Grisha Perelman finally solved those. But this Russian mathematician refused to
publicized himself. Another mathematician that had proved theorems without
winning prizes was David Hilbert. He studied the number theory, and
revolutionized the integral equation theory. There were a lot of Hilbert’s endowments
to the present mathematicians, and those were the Hilbert Space, the Hilbert
Classification, Hilbert Inequality and several Hilbert theorems. Above all he
proved the existence of infinity. Hilbert believed that mathematics was a universal
language that is a powerful one which could disengage the world’s undeniable
Vienna, an Austrian mathematician named Kurt Godel destroyed Hilbert’s
belief. He proved the questions of Hilbert
in an opposite manner which later called as the Incompleteness Theorem. Godel’s
proof had given mathematics a crisis.
European mathematicians had played as a contributor to the vast number of
different theorems that has been proven. Some were: Hermann Weyl who had his
researches significant for the theoretical physics, John Von Neumann who developed
game theory and was the one who broke new grounds to computer science. Another
was Paul Cohen who has astounded the mathematical world, but he was one of
those famous American mathematicians.
Kovalevskaya, became the first female mathematician and right come after Emmy
Noether who was great in the field of algebra and also Julia Robinson who was
the first woman who became elected in American Mathematical Society as
president. Robinson developed the hypothesis named after her which is the Robinson
Hypothesis. Julia Robinson showed there was no universal method to solve all
equations in whole numbers. Another was Evariste Galois who believed that
mathematics shouldn't be the study of number and shape, but the study of
structure. But he died at a very young age of 20. He had discovered new
techniques to tell if there are solutions to certain questions. He used
geometry to analyze equations. Galois first developed algebraic geometry which
is a whole new language for understanding solutions to equations. In which new
mathematical structures were shown.
On top
of all the mathematical proofs and theorems, all those had made way to make
mathematics to pervade on the every aspect of everyone’s life. Mathematics is a
proof until someone has proven it. In this journey along the story of
mathematics I had really grown to love mathematics as it is. It had given a lot
of reasons there is to give importance to the mathematicians around the globe.
Whatever country they came from, they all have given the world a better
understanding to the chaotic universe of numbers, shapes, patterns and the comprehension
of them all.
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