Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Appreciating Math

        Many of us hate mathematics mainly because it makes our school life more miserable, like weekly mathematical homework’s, long hours of problem solving, mind breaking exams, and because of this we establish our hatred towards mathematics in our various way. I for example, when I hear mathematical equations, may it be algebraic, quadrilateral, symmetrical equations my mind quickly transmit neurons which are embedded with data so my mind will not overheat. I really don’t know where I develop such anxiety towards mathematics, but all I know is that it makes my brain hire wire.
As I study this most hated subject founded by man, I doubted that mathematics makes our world go round, because for me honestly, it stops. But the documentary “The Story of Mathematics” somehow changes my perspective in terms of appreciating the value of mathematics and its contribution towards the advancement and development our society.  Because, if you’ll be open-minded to your surroundings we can observe that this world we live in are full of patterns, symbols, shapes, equations, signs, which is basically mathematics. The documentary “The Story of Mathematics” says it all, aside from the stressing foreign diction and structural terminologies used by the speaker you’ll be enlighten by the topic, and  you’ll know what mathematics has done for us.
Researchers say that we should blame “Babylonians” for our suffering towards this subject, because they are the ones who form this craft. But as this most important form of knowledge is being dissected by scholars, our society understands more. Thus, makes mathematics the language of the universe. More so, the Damascus develop managing, the Greeks gives us the power of proving and the Archimedes battled us with the use of mathematics.
Generations by generations the effects of it increases, by this knowledge many have been discovered and invented. Technologies like cellphones, laptops, elevators, airplane you name it are products of mathematics. Many of those who are mathematical geniuses are provident examples of people who excel in their field which makes them cream’ of the crop in our society. Because they are the one who aided towards the development of our society.
As I further envelop this knowledge, and future information that I will gain in this course, I believe that the more I appreciate mathematics the more I will grow as an academian wrap with ammo and ready for the battle, because for a student our battle awaits outside the four corners of our classroom, thus making this our gear for survival. I found my way to appreciate mathematics, how about you? Have you found your way towards appreciating mathematics?


  1. true indeed, mathematics is considered as one of our fundamental foundations in our daily life especially technologies has come to age.

  2. Math is hated and appreciated endlessly. But whatever we do, wherever we go, we couldn't find our way away from this certain phenomenon- MATH..

  3. It's really hard to appreciate math, really? hehhehe, the move starts on u..

  4. I understand how you developed your anxiety towards Mathematics for I myself, has also developed that one. But through your review, I was able to lessen my anxiety towards and to appreciate Mathematics more than ever because our ancestors worked hard for it. Thank you for this wonderful review and hope you'll continue your good way in expounding the words of others.
