Monday, December 30, 2013

Mathematics and Biology

I got so many plans for Christmas break-sleep, wake-up and eat. I never thought that I would find myself reading a 319-page book, counting only the content, considering that I do not actually read a book normally. Honestly, it bores me reading a book, but I got no choice since I have to be responsible and do enthusiastically my part as a student. Looking on the bright side, at least I got something to be busy about since I got myself a "fun and exciting" Christmas break. I am not quite sure if I have absorbed everything I have read, but I’ll be doing my best to say something knowledgeable about it.

Since I have been in this class I have manage to learn and appreciate more about mathematics. Mathematics is said to be a universal language, and I actually don't have any objections with regards to it. Mathematics has been the spearhead to almost anything or everything in this world. Mathematics has become the reason for our world's progress or development. Before, biologists don’t seem to think that mathematics can help meaningfully in understanding the complexity of life. In this book, the author explained how mathematics and biology was joined or collaborated to solve or attempted to solve various difficult scientific problems regarding life and even its origin. In order to appreciate the book, you really have to concentrate on comprehending it, because somehow I find it difficult to follow. I was deeply fascinated on how mathematics and biology intersects. Because of mathematics, the study of life was even pushed further to its limit. It really is amazing how various mathematical approaches such as, Fibonacci sequence, cellular automata, game theory, topology, networks, multi-dimensional geometry and whatsoever is being related to biology, even if I am not very much acquainted with most of the mathematical approaches that I stated still I am certainly amazed how these mathematical approaches functioned to the world of biology. We all know that biology is such a difficult matter or subject to study however mathematics have helped us to understand biology even more since mathematics has provided us explanation in a much less complicated and a more reliable way of expressing the given matter or topic that is being discussed.

In the modern world that we live in today, since then mathematics is continuously evolving and increasingly developing, we are the living witnesses on how mathematics has been a great help in almost all aspects of life. A long time before, mathematics was limited to solving only our simple daily problems, but now, mathematics has drastically affected almost everything not only in the world that we live in. Carelessly speaking, everything is in need of mathematics. Now, it really makes me wonder what mathematics will be in the future, what mathematics will be introduced to my great grand grand grand children, what more discoveries mathematics will unveil and other curiosities I have in mind that is just too many to be stated. If mathematics is already this evolved, diverse, developed and so many synonymous and connecting words that I can think of, what more in the next few years to come?


  1. Your post reminded me that sciences were once philosophies. Probably, some of the unanswered questions of philosophy nowadays will become a part for a wider scope of mathematics in the future.

  2. What will mathematics become in the future? Definitely, mathematics will be more successful than what what we think of today. It will surely give us greater opportunities for brilliant discoveries and inventions.

  3. in our present time as what we can see mathematics has done great things to the globe and definitely still counting for the years ahead.

  4. ActuaIly, I am no surprised by the team-up, indeed mathematics is really needed in order to understand the complexities of the different branches of science not just biology.

  5. In the upcoming years mathematics will surely bloom and will be limitless. Good job! you really did well in sharing your thoughts. :)

  6. I am also wondering what mathematics' breakthrough will be in the future.


    nice work keep up :)

  8. mathematics has enormous role in our life it is even used to collaborate with biology and make the whole existence of our life go around the wheel.

  9. If mathematicians are learning to love biology, then biologists need to take on board the peculiarities of mathematics. This book will certainly please mathematicians and biologists out there. Nice work with the review :)
