Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Story of Maths 1:Language of the Universe

The Story of Maths

The movie entitled “The Language of the Universe” discussed and broadly explained the characteristics of the history of Mathematics. It was said that Mathematics was used to explain the usage of numbers as the universal language and its relevance to the study of numbers, shapes, motion, change and space. Mathematics is the science of pattern, this means that people living beforehand used the principle of patterns that was converted into numbers and used to solve problems and reveal the unknown relationships between the universe and Mathematics as a language. They have used math to measure tax land, conceptualized the 3-4-5 triangle, relate the measurement of moon from the earth, introduced Pythagoras and the Academy of Plato who stated the “Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here.” and the 5 Platonic solids. The movie also tackled and entered the Library of Alexandria, presented the principles of Archimedes and a female mathematician called Hypatia, who taught in the school of Alexandria. Math documentation like this video contributed to the present studies of unknown creations that are soon to be discovered.

The hypothesis to some inventions can be revealed by these patterns of Mathematics. It was seen in the video clip that Egyptians used symbols that turned into grammars and used in the conversations in the community to solve mathematical problems. The host or narrator was Marcus du Sautoy, he explained how the theorems and principles of different people from the past dealt with numbers and how did they demonstrate the solutions using illustrations and numerical models. He also explained how the Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese and Indians or the ancient civilizations used Mathematics to develop the inventions that are soon to come out because of the patterns behind Mathematics. The ideology of the video was to discuss the nature of math and its great contribution in the present time. Assessments of mathematical questions are accomplished using the mathematical relations and ideologies that support their theories.

I realized that studying math is essential in our lives because it is not only used in our daily living but it can also improve soon to be inventions that will be useful in the future. Usage of mathematical symbols are significant in the universal language because all different individuals from around the world can understand each other when it comes to mathematical equations because it will yield the same results since it has the same method used. I now study math not only for the sake of passing the course but also utilizing the methods brought by the ancient civilization to create new amazing things or inventions that will later help the future generations in their studies about math. Analyzing and understanding the history of math is very complicated so it must be learned using terms that would be easily comprehend by the people who wants to learn and appreciate math.

As of now, math can still be improved by using the theorems and principles of the great mathematicians in the world, introducing new symbols, equations and mathematical formulas. We should be grateful to those mathematicians who discovered and transformed the tool for counting analytical problems of the world. The mathematicians somehow focused on Geometry that needed proofs to their different theories. The world needs further progresses in the field of mathematics because great discoveries are always open for new improvements.


  1. Truly, mathematics were great aid for the daily lives of the ancient people, especially in Egypt. Mathematics was life changing in their time because of the new discoveries. Until today, it can be life changing because new things are discovered through mathematics.

  2. I agree. We always have to remember that our development is also due to the discoveries in mathematics, for these discoveries paved way for our improvements.

  3. Mathematics is the key of all Sciences

  4. Such great info.. keep it up :)

  5. Yes, math has and will continue to shape our world.

  6. Math definitely is useful in everyday lives. It's rather difficult to imagine how the people of before fared without it.

  7. Very well explained. Even though I didn't have a background of the topic, your review is already sufficient to made me understand it in a certain comprehension. Indeed a very good review

  8. Indeed!! We are also a result of God's complex equations!!

  9. Best explanation that i ever read about this topic two thumbs up!!

  10. Mathematics is one of the most fundamental parts of all sciences as it is an exact science. Even if someone does not believe in it, it still maintains it's overall integrity; it still stays true.

  11. As time goes by, math is constantly developing and people must appreciate its wonders. Thank you for the good book review! I hope other people could read and understand math through this.

  12. A wise man said that all the technology we have was created because we have Math and Science. Without Math we won't have any gadgets at all.

  13. Math does develop our daily system. Because of it we can figure out the values of the things in our surrounding and also it helps us to invent things for the advantages of our future generations.

  14. A very passionate essay about math. Very informative keep it up.

  15. Nice review. Mathematics could be enhanced more by searching up more practical applications of it in real life.

  16. As much as how many people detest math, everything revolves around it. We may not be aware but a lot of our everyday routine involves math's principles and theorems.

  17. I actually already watched this episode but your review makes me want to watch it again! :) Math is indeed a beautiful language in itself, ever evolving and becoming a medium for communication and for the improvement of our daily lives. :)

  18. Someday I'll encounter those real math as in language, not just a number playing.

  19. mathematics is essential for a nation to succeed..

  20. We can't deny that mathematics is sometimes difficult to comprehend. I guess it takes just a bit of appreciating the beauty of its complexity as well as its practical applications for one to truly ENJOY studying math. :D

  21. Realizing this, I imagine the time when our ancestors began counting 1-10 through the use of their fingers. Look how far we have accomplished.

  22. Indeed, Math has played a significant role in our lives. I'm amazed how much it has progressed and helped us until today! :)

  23. I wish I could appreciate math. Though I know of its importance, somehow my brain is wired to completely detest numbers. However, this is a great review, emphasizing on the importance of math at advancement of human beings :))

  24. "I realized that studying math is essential in our lives because it is not only used in our daily living but it can also improve soon to be inventions that will be useful in the future." ----so true! such info here, great! thanks!
