Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Game Changer

Imagine the world without math. I assume that many people would love that world but the world today would not be what it is now if math never existed. The world without math, oh boy wouldn’t that be lovely! But it has some drawbacks though like having no phones, no computers, no internet, maybe no technological advances may have ever existed at all if math did not exist!

In the first episode of the documentary entitled The Story of Maths, the history of math was discussed and in a very unique way that attempted to catch the attention of the viewers. Several civilizations were shown and first were the Egyptian civilization and how they lived with math. Math did exist a very long time ago and was supported by the evidences from the hieroglyphs of the Egyptians. They indeed used math, using their bodies as tools of measurement and made the world famous Pyramids with just manpower unlike today, we are equipped with all the fancy and advanced machines.

Greeks made their mark in the mathematical world too showcasing the brilliant minds of Pythagoras and Plato also emphasizing that proof is important .Pythagoras with his theorem and Plato with his geometry and academy changing mathematics forever. Then from Alexandria which is now what we know as Turkey, Euclid wrote his Elements and was named the ‘Chronicler of Mathematics’. In Alexandria, there is this great library and many great people studied here like Euclid but another great mind stood up and his name is Archimedes. He discovered that ‘PI’ is not just a piece of cake (get it? ha ha!). He designed mirrors and changed the roman war, inventing catapults to use as weapons giving him the rock star status during his time.

Math is actually everywhere! It is used almost in everything like manufacturing food, developing apps in iTunes or Google Play, securing our passwords in our various online accounts, and it has impacted us a lot in a good way. Maybe most of us view math as the bad guy like a Lebron James kinda reputation, leaving his old team but in the end we still know he was one of the greatest that ever played and changed the game of basketball. Math is similar, though many think it is all about boring numbers and equations but people see what we only want to see. Math definitely is a game changer, math changed the whole world forever whether we like it or not.


  1. The interesting connection of math and pop culture is mind blowing. Although it might have been boring to read about math, i must say the article kept me interested and wanting for more

  2. Inspiring! If's so unusual to read about a different (thought very fresh) perspective on math and i must say you pulled it off!! :))

  3. HAHHA, nalingaw ko sa title! Hehehhe, hmmmm.. gayahin ko kaya?! jk

  4. it was nice that you were able to connect math to simpler much cooler things. A for effort on the title (though it kinda hurts the eyes if you stare too long XD)
