Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities

This book, Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities by Prof. Ian Stewart focuses on the weirdest things inside his legendary cabinet. Perhaps because he knew that the most interesting kind of math is not the one being taught at in school, Prof. Stewart collected in his cabinet math games, puzzles, stories, and factoids that had purposes of being read by those who love adventure. In this book, the reader finds hidden treasures of logic, geometry, and probabilities - just how a person would extract cherry from a cocktail glass, to pop-up a dodecahedron. In this book, too, the reader will learn why he can not divide anything by zero. It is a very interesting part of the book. We always know that diving something by zero is ridiculous and cannot be. But in this book we are showed why not so.

We also find in this book, in different chapters, the Fermat's last theorem, the Poincare conjecture, chaos theory, and the P=NP problem. They are in discussed in the book in a very interesting and fun way.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

When I first read the title Rock, Paper, Scissors, I thought it is very interesting to have a book title that way. It made me remember my childhood when I used to play Jack 'en Poy with the other kids. Having said that, I  also became curious what does this game got to do with mathematics? In the books Rock, Paper, Scissors by Dr. Len Fisher, he focused on the "science of cooperation" which will make a person really think hard and ponder upon. Fisher showed how the game theory helped the scientists, especially the biologists, comprehend the developments of cooperation in our environment and learn how we can adapt these things in our daily lives. With experiments that made him discover things in dinner parties, supermarkets, Indian roads, and Australia, he also discovered about the baseball strategies and the specifics of quantum mechanics. The findings are sometimes funny, and most of the times disturbing. Reading Rock, Paper, Scissors by Dr. Len Fisher made me understand a lot of environmental and global issues in the society. It made me understand people's role in the society.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities

A reaction paper on Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities

By: Ian Stewart

  In life we encounter trials that make us a better person, likewise a person that is outlawed by problems making us suffer from it. People handle problems differently, some handle it with ease, while others are misguided by it. Likewise, birds travel to different places when the seasons are starting to shift, finding a better way in order to manifest an absolute solitude during climate change.
                  Ian Stewart is a realist that implies knowledge by seeking it in a different manner, loving something that is against the odds, a very good concept as to how define a thing that is not similar to their habitual ways. Yes, mathematics may be interpreted in several ways by different people, described and derived by its many purpose.
              The book Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities opens up the imaginative perspective that will became the stimulus for exercising the hunger for mathematical and logical learning, thus developing our awareness for the amazing discoveries that hides beneath the mathematical formulas, and theories, uncovering knowledge beyond human imagination.

  Ian Stewart gives a perspective that mathematics have different regions, branches that will navigate into different parts, thus giving us a better picture of it, games is an example, the mathematical patterns embedded within the game symbolizes that it is a branch of mathematics. Like Ian Stewart we can find a better way of appreciating things, being open-minded is always needed to become a genuine individual that will symbolize an entity who would propagate as a stimulus for others appreciation.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

A reaction paper on Rock, Paper, Scissors
Game theory on Everyday life

By: Len Fisher Ph.D.

We people are accustomed to things that are within, or around us, with our awareness to the things that co-exist with us that more or less corresponds to our synchronization and management that we intake in our everyday lives. We tent to base our intellectual judgments by the things that we are accustomed to, siding to the things that are co-related to our perspective, meaning biased judgment.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, a Game theory on Everyday life by Len Fisher Ph.D. explains concludes that our chances of resolving problems revolves around two main ways; first by helping us to view them from a a new perspective that exposes their true underlying causes and second by providing new strategies to help us resolve them. These strategies help to balance the differences between the conflict and correlation.

Dr. Len Fisher Ph.D. showed different variables to inculcate into us the different strategies how to be a productive cooperative and to balance the diversity that we should be open-minded to probabilities that may happen, or will happen. Those probability requirements commonsense, yet, the Game theory adds  extra dimension by showing just why and how they work in different circumstances giving it a  more precise calculation. Thus, different tendency may happen, because we live in a world that calculating probability corresponds to infinity, but, it’s better to be late than sorry, it’s better to be on the upper hand.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Stewart's Cabinet of Fun Facts and Games

                At first I thought that Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities will be dealing with different theories and analyses about mathematics. I hesitated to read the book because I don’t want to read more information about math, the four books that were already reviewed are already enough to make my head baffle but I was wrong, this book was full of fun games that Stewart filed in his notebooks.
                It is true those school maths are not interesting, the fun is not taught in school. This book had games and answers were also given at the latter pages. Stewart’s cabinet reveals hidden charms of logic, geometry and probability. There was a game in the book where you are asked how to extract a cherry from a cocktail glass. In the book, four toothpicks stood as the cocktail glass, you should only move two toothpicks to extract the cherry, after a few minutes of staring on the figure I decided to see the answer and it was just so easy. In this book, the reason why we can’t divide anything by zero was also revealed. The ideas behind the games were already the keys to Fermat’s last theorem, Poincare conjecture, chaos theory and the million dollars problem, P=NP. There were three mathematical jokes in the book but it was a little bit hard to comprehend, maybe I'm not in to mathematics.

                I have observed that some phrases and games that were taught by our professor in class came from Professor’s Stewart cabinet. It was a good thing that our professor used them because for me, I find it fun and it is unforgettable. It is a good strategy to use humor or games in teaching mathematics so that it will not be dreary and students will interact with their mentor. If this strategy was used in grade school, maybe students today will not loathe mathematics and will learn to love it.

The Cabinet

When he was fourteen, Ian Stewart’s, one of the best known mathematicians alive, started a maths notebook. Like a magpie he collected every interesting thing he could find out about the maths that wasn’t taught at school. His notebook became six, then spilled into Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities. Open its drawers and discover a fabulous lifetime collection of games, puzzles, stories, jokes and factoids, odd items of mathematical culture, card tricks, things to make and things to do. You will find out why the M25 is shorter anticlockwise than clockwise, and what the deal is with Fermat’s last theorem, chaos theory, fractals and Penrose patterns – and the real reason you can’t divide anything by zero. Ian Stewart has spent years filling his cabinet with intriguing mathematical games, puzzles, stories, and factoids intended for the adventurous mind. If you enjoy interesting puzzles, dorky humor, and mathematical trivia, you will probably like this book said by another blogger which I've scanned a little while ago.

 Actually, my mind is so blank, that writing this review will took me several hours to finish, but even long to finish, i'm pretty sure that the result will not be lengthy. I just don't know how and what will I write. Well, in my own opinion, this book is fascinating, but a little dragging, because for me, games, puzzles and the like don't have to be complex, I mean, things like this are made to entertain us not make our lives somehow complicated. I'm honestly not pretty sure with all this stuff I’m saying, it’s just a pure opinion that I, myself, is not that certain.

 This book contain servings of nourishing bits of intellectual history: Fibonacci series, Fermat's last theorem, chaos theory, the four color problem, what Byron wrote about Newton, Euler's conjecture, public key cryptography, the inventor of the equals sign, Zeno's paradox, how the Babylonians handled number, the probability theory of monkeys and typewriters, the square root of minus one, celestial resonance and how the Egyptians did fractions with hieroglyphs.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


 “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.”
                                                                                                                        -Bill Gates
C- omplex
O- perational
M- odern
P- rocessor
U- seful
T- echnological
E- ducational
R- eliable
S- pecific source

            Considering all of these attributes of a computer, one could really agree with the powerful statement of Gates above. Computers are indeed one of the greatest creations of mankind. Such wow should be offered to the life-changing accomplishments of the pioneers of computer and its software which includes Gates himself.

            Some may contradict this statement but whether these people like it or not, admit it or not, the truth is still there for them to face and that is the existence of computers wherever they set their eyes upon and wherever they go. The unstoppable era of computer had come and had a great impact in our lives. It has played a huge part in the lives of the present generation and will still continue to dominate until the next generations to come.

            This is now the stand of our group: to make the whole class realize the importance or major contributions of computers to them as well as to the other people from the past years that had passed through.

            Our group allocated one day for our games and fun stuff and another day for the debate and our live creative presentation. 

          During the first day, unfortunately, the copy of the game I made which I presumed to be very interesting and unique was corrupted due to acquired virus in my flash drive. I knew it! There would really be problems yet nothing could be done in unexpected technical error like this to happen. It’s just that it’s too basic for us to anymore be noticed. I really felt hurt with this and I feared our dear professor might be very disappointed as well.

            Taking control of the situation, we proceeded to the next game which was prepared by my group mate who was absent that time. It was a charade- like game wherein a group representative will let his or her group mates guess the given word or set of words in connection with computers. They all found the game so easy yet another glitch turned out to be with the scoring system and our group found some bias with it too.

            Second day came and we made all necessary preparations prior to these to assure us of better and smooth-sailing outcome this time. We started off with a debate with regards to the advantages and disadvantages of computers in different aspects and perspectives. The issues were resolved through the conclusion that computers are indeed advantageous in general but some disadvantages may occur and it is on the part of the users to manage them.

            Lastly, our group discussed the history of computers and their progress in technology which we had portrayed in a form of a television show. The history of computers was then divided into five generations. The first one used vacuum tubes, second one used transistors, while the third one used silicon chips. The fourth one was differentiated only from the third by means of change in the number of circuits that can be packed into a single chip. This resulted mainly on the increase in the usage of personal computer and dramatic reduction in its cost.

            The future generation is anticipated to be able to make logical decisions for itself (artificial intelligence), and carry out several processes at the same time with one central processing unit or otherwise called as parallel processing. In the fifth generation, computers process data with light pulses instead of electrical pulses, processing data faster than anyone can ever imagine, operates in a speed of light, hundreds of times faster than computers of today.

            I hope that more students could experience and uncover the delight in tracing back the history of computers and having a more in depth research with regards to computers- major benefactors in tasks of our daily living. Besides that, no one knows what lies ahead and so we humans should just wait and see for the unexpected. As time goes by and many more improvements are very much possible, computers should stay as equally beneficial as they are at present. Advancements should not lead to the destruction of lives but instead on the betterment of our world that the other generations may follow and be inspired to take up science and technology related courses when the time comes. 

Bato, Papel, Gunting

                Unlike the previous books that were reviewed, the Rock, Paper, Scissors was more like an application of mathematics in our daily lives. It is an account of key ideas in game theory and strategies were given to achieve cooperation. Len Fisher seemed wrote the book not to scare people about different mathematical theories and analysis, he did not made the book complicated and it was like an informal approach on game theory to general audiences.
                The first chapter of the book described the Prisoner’s dilemma. It showed the possible consequences if the prisoners confess, the two of them will confess or one will confess and the other will not. In this test, self-interest was showed.
                The second chapter focused on the “I cut and you choose”. In this part, concept of minimax and fair division was introduced. Fisher had shared one of his experiences in this, it is when he had trouble in shooting fireworks and his consequence was to yield the fireworks with his brother and he had realized now that it was an application of minimax principle. Fisher considered “the seven deadly dilemmas” as the seven most interesting game theory problems in the third chapter in which he gave strategies on how to solve the problem such as the free rider issue and the game of chicken.
                Fourth chapter was about the famous “rock, paper, scissors” game. Reading this made me realize that this game can solve conflicts just like in a small competition wherein two teams will have to break the tie. I have also encountered this one, especially when playing with my cousins when I was a kid. The outcome of the game will choose who wins and who will not. The last four chapters were all about cooperation in a game on how we can gain trust and to have an effective bargain.
                Though I like A Certain Ambiguity than this book but still, I enjoyed it because it is not that technical that will make you dizzy with different theories and analysis. The chapter I liked the most was the fourth chapter because it reminded me of my childhood and also, recently we played at the Atrium and used the “rock, paper, scissors” game to know whose team plays first.

                The totality of the book amused me because it did not just gave strategies in different games it also showed how your decision can affect people around you or how theirs may affect you. It is like a domino effect where in a certain decision is not merely applicable to one person, it may affect many people.



Curiosity Filled the Cabinet

“I incline to the view that a miscellany should be miscellaneous, and this one is,” Stewart notes in his introduction of Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities.

Ian Stewart believed that the most interesting part of math cannot be taught inside the four walls of the classroom. Rather, the most fun part can be discovered elsewhere. Knowing this, he collected his ‘curiosities’ and piled them up in his cabinet. Amazing. I can’t even use up the pages of my own math notebook yet he filled up a whole cabinet.

His curiosities included mindboggling yet entertaining applications of math like puzzles, geometry, chaos theory, and keys to Fermat’s Last Theorem. He even offered steps on how to make a pop-up dodecahedron. Interestingly enough, he even explained why numbers can’t be divided by zero. His cabinet is filled with mathematical enigmas.

I can say that this book was much more bearable than his previous one. There was more interaction with this because it contained puzzles which are sometimes unsolvable but still interesting enough to make you grab a pen and paper. His wardrobe opens up a new world. Not Narnia, but just as magical.

Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities: A Book Review

“I incline to the view that a miscellany should be miscellaneous, and this one is”, Stewart notes in his introduction. Stewart, a mathematician at the University of Warwick in England, offers this book of puzzles, paradoxes, brainteasers, tricks, facts and jokes, which he accurately calls “curiosities.” 

Steward has indeed made an easier, logical and fun approach in math. Knowing that the most exciting math is not taught in school and beyond the four walls of the classroom, Stewart has spent years in constructing intriguing mathematical games, stories, facts, puzzled which are made for the adventurous mind. This book reveals the most exciting math puzzles made by Professor Stewart himself. As you go through each page, you will find different logic and geometry puzzles. Some problems may be easier to begin with but becomes more interesting and challenging as you leaf through each page. If you have come across articles on what are Fibonacci and Golden numbers, you would actually understand the logic behind those formulas and numbers. Some logical problems include a pop-up dodecahedron and the P=NP problems which you may win a million dollars if you solve it. Articles and facts on famous mathematicians- the logic behind their formulas are also included. Indeed, Stewart has made a challenging yet approachable way in understanding math- and I can say this with conviction because as you go through each page and solve a puzzle, mathematics exposes the semblance of reality that we are happy with. Indeed, there are hundreds of facts and puzzles that may look difficult as it may seem- yet Stewart presented it with enthusiasm and good humor.

No, Professor Ian Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities has no story in his book, no, parable nor moral nor to rebuke my failure to master Calculus or to identify the difference between a prime and a Mersenne prime-there is only delight and amazement as you go through the course of the book and self guilt toward my own idle response to the different mathematical challenges. 

A Certain Ambiguity: A Book Review

A Certain Ambiguity is a mathematical novel of ideas- a novel on which exposes mathematics and its mysteries. The story begins with a flashback experienced by the main character, Ravi, to the time his mathematician grandfather gave him a math problem to try on a calculator. The math problem given suggests gentleness and appreciation in the grandfather's relationship with his grandson and a solution might have on the boy. The grandfather died the next day, but the reader is left with the realization of the importance the memory of the grandfather played in Ravi's life. It is remarkable that in the absence of the grandfather's wise guidance the boy grows indifferent to mathematics.

The book is delightful and informative read. In the Epilogue, we learn that Ravi eventually preferred a career in mathematics than in Economics. We have understood that he had married Claire, a math student he met at the course. I was a little disappointed- for, while reading the book and sensing the evolving romance between Ravi and Claire; I'd been hoping that the authors would expand the side story into a sequel in the same genre. The book does a good job of presenting this point of view so that those who have never considered it this way can begin to have this sort of appreciation for mathematical logic. However, we soon learn that mathematics is not quite as perfect as we would like. The book does a great job of presenting this while still leaving us with an appreciation for mathematics despite its shortcomings. There is so much in this book, of philosophy; of mathematics. But one additional observation is well warranted-the authors have managed to present mathematics as a human endeavor by many timely excerpts from the diaries and correspondence of great mathematicians and scientists.  Though the rest of the book is mostly a work of fiction, it succeeded in achieving mathematics with a human face.

It is a smooth, easy read, despite the serious mathematics that threads through the book. There are people who will focus on the characters and the story and others who will focus on the mathematics, and others who will shift their attention back and forth between the two. 

Their past, our present, and future

Their past, our present, and future
To Infinity and Beyond a perfect descriptive tittle to how end a series of episodes that describes the past, present and future.  In this last episode of story of math, the story revolves around the concept where in there are 23 most important problems that were set out by David Hilbert, a young German Mathematician. These 23 most important mathematical problems was an immense challenge to those mathematicians who accepted the challenge of answering these unsolvable mathematical problems, thus, gaining triumph or failure. The first mathematical problem was understanding the meaning of infinity and giving it a mathematical precision. This problem was solved by Georg Cantor who spent his entire adult life understanding mathematics. Many mathematicians were like him, mathematicians who accepted the challenge, who devoting their entire life answering the different problems set out in front of them.  But, unlike any other theories, there are theories that are unable to be solved. Yet, even those who poses extraordinary mind fails to answer this theory, the Riemann’s theory.  Though, mathematicians weren’t able to be solved those problems they still seek to answer, making the unsolvable, answerable. Their reasons though not of money, but because it’s their passion, and for them the prestige that is acquired of solving what is being dreamt of answering is worth more, and for them they live to solve those mathematical equations, theories and formulas that each one of them can’t, giving them a life worth living for.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Number System ( amazing group)

Everything about my group is fun,"the number system group"
we tackled the history and origin of number system.. pretty amazing
T sum up everything.. err goes..

Binary Numeral System - Base-2

Binary numbers uses only 0 and 1 digits.
B denotes binary prefix.


101012 = 10101B = 1×24+0×23+1×22+0×21+1×2= 16+4+1= 21
101112 = 10111B = 1×24+0×23+1×22+1×21+1×2= 16+4+2+1= 23
1000112 = 100011B = 1×25+0×24+0×23+0×22+1×21+1×20=32+2+1= 35

Octal Numeral System - Base-8

Octal numbers uses digits from 0..7.


278 = 2×81+7×8= 16+7 = 23
308 = 3×81+0×8= 24
43078 = 4×83+3×82+0×81+7×80= 2247

Decimal Numeral System - Base-10

Decimal numbers uses digits from 0..9.
These are the regular numbers that we use.


253810 = 2×103+5×102+3×101+8×100

Hexadecimal Numeral System - Base-16

Hex numbers uses digits from 0..9 and A..F.
H denotes hex prefix.


2816 = 28H = 2×161+8×16= 40
2F16 = 2FH = 2×161+15×16= 47
BC1216 = BC12H = 11×163+12×162+1×161+2×160= 48146

Numeral systems conversion table


The Dilemma of Wanting more (mariah ann)

                               Dr. Len Fisher in his book "Rock, Paper, Scissors" turns his attention to the science of cooperation in his lively and thought-provoking book. Fisher shows how the modern science of game theory has helped biologists to understand the evolution of cooperation in nature, and investigates how we might apply those lessons to our own society. In a series of experiments that take him from the polite confines of an English dinner party to crowded supermarkets, congested Indian roads, and the wilds of outback Australia, not to mention baseball strategies and the intricacies of quantum mechanics, Fisher sheds light on the problem of global cooperation. The outcomes are sometimes hilarious, sometimes alarming, but always revealing. A witty romp through a serious science, Rock, Paper, Scissors will both teach and delight anyone interested in what it what it takes to get people to work together.(

                         Basically the book talks about the Tragedy of Common in the society and its contribution to the social problems we are facing today. He talked about a simple problem about the mysterious disappearance of teaspoons in a company's staff kitchen. The case might be simple but a a lot of respected and famous mathematicians and philosophers argued and raised several theories. Some said that they might traveled somewhere where they can live harmoniously with all there teaspoon family away from the dirty human mouths others said that they might having a plan getting back against human but only one made a strong point. That is, all employees have there share of 1 teaspoon but then one of them thought of safe keeping one for himself, and if every employee starts t thing the same way that would result to the disappearance of teaspoons in the company s' staff's kitchen. This might sound simple and nonsense but if you will relate it with the current issues like poverty, hunger, terrorism, price hike and a lot more you might come t your senses and will realize that if everyone will try to get more than the other things might not go as planned.
                         The dilemma of doing something to get more than the other and doing things considering the sake of others is the simple root problem to current social problem we are facing. Let's talk about Philippines, China is using all its force to get the scarborough shoal from the Philippines not considering that the shoal is part of the Philippine's EEZ. If we mention the wealth of China as the fastest-major growing country compared to the Philippine's wealth as part f the 3rd world countries not to mention the high level f poverty and hunger, it is pretty unfair to get so much from such a poor country. Only if they will consider the situation and status,china might give way for the Philippines to be able to grow, but sad to say they have a mind set of having more than the others and the strive for power.  The author mentioned a lot of solutions but only one caught my attention, the consideration of the advantage of everyone.In this case if the division of scarborough shoal will be on ration one should consider the wealth of the other. The one with less income should get enough for its need and also the other one with more income. Mathematics will be useful in this case.Using the ratios and percentages. 
                         What i love about this book is that the author amazingly make sense of philosophical problems and mathematics. He even studied philosophy just to answer his questions. I had fun reading this book and I will sure recommend this to others even to those who doesn't like mathematics that much just like I do  ;-) MAGKAISA 

BOOK REVIEW: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Game theories exercise our minds and maximizing gain in competitive situations. Self-interest controls why people make their own decision. In Rock, Paper, Scissors authored by a physicist Len Fisher starts by demonstrating the limits of game theory: What’s best for you aren’t always what’s best for everyone else, and that discrepancy can ultimately undermine your own self-interest.

Dr. Len Fisher turns his attention to the science of cooperation in his lively and thought-provoking book. Fisher shows how the modern science of game theory has helped biologists to understand the evolution of cooperation in nature, and investigates how we might apply those lessons to our own society. In a series of experiments that take him from the polite confines of an English dinner party to crowded supermarkets, congested Indian roads, and the wilds of outback Australia, not to mention baseball strategies and the intricacies of quantum mechanics, Fisher sheds light on the problem of global cooperation. The outcomes are sometimes hilarious, sometimes alarming, but always revealing. A witty romp through a serious science, Rock, Paper, Scissors will both teach and delight anyone interested in what it what it takes to get people to work together.

The book was wonderfully an entertaining introductory to game theory and science cooperation and is indeed significant in our society this days especially to the students.


BOOK REVIEW: A Certain Ambiguity

Moving and enlightening, A Certain Ambiguity authored by Gaurav Suri and Hartosh Singh Bal is a story about what it means to face the extent--and the limits--of human knowledge. A rough outline of the scope of the discussions threaded through the book, but the skillfully laid out plot allows the authors present additional view points, in particular that adopted by the present day mathematical community. There is so much on the book, of philosophy, of mathematics, even of pedagogy, there is no way a short review may give a due credit to this masterpiece. But one additional observation is well warranted. The authors have managed to present mathematics as a human endeavor by many timely excerpts from the diaries and correspondence of great mathematicians and scientists. These, as the rest of the book, are mostly a work of fiction, but succeed infallibly in endowing mathematics with a human face.

The book is a delightful and very informative to read. In the Epilogue, Ravi eventually preferred a career in mathematics to a probably more prosperous one in economics. We are given to understand that he had married Claire, a math student he met at the infinity course. Truth be told, it was a little disappointed. For, while reading the book and sensing the evolving romance between Ravi and Claire, I'd been hoping that the authors would expand the side story into a sequel in the same genre.

Indeed the book is all about mathematics, about its philosophy, its beauty and about its relevance to the human understanding of the surrounding world. There is not a page where mathematics or mathematicians are not mentioned. Mathematics is woven inextricably into the story line itself and I would say that the plot evolves with the mathematical precision.

Fly With Statistics...

Narnia (Ian Stewart's Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities)

A cabinet is a furniture usually use for storing our clothes, shoes and other things. But here in this book entitled, Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities, Professor Ian Stewart gave an extraordinary twist on what’s inside his cabinet.

Knowing that the most exciting math is not taught in school, Professor Ian Stewart has spent years filling his cabinet with intriguing mathematical games, puzzles, stories, and factoids intended for the adventurous mind. The book reveals the most exhilarating oddities from Professor Stewart’s legendary cabinet.

School math is not the interesting part. The real fun is elsewhere. Like a magpie, Ian Stewart has collected the most enlightening, entertaining and vexing 'curiosities' of math over the years...Now, the private collection is displayed in his cabinet. There are some hidden gems of logic, geometry and probability - like how to extract a cherry from a cocktail glass (harder than you think), a pop up dodecahedron, the real reason why you can't divide anything by zero and some tips for making money by proving the obvious. Scattered among these are keys to unlocking the mysteries of Fermat's last theorem, the Poincaré Conjecture, chaos theory, and the P/NP problem for which a million dollar prize is on offer. There are beguiling secrets about familiar names like Pythagoras or prime numbers, as well as anecdotes about great mathematicians. Pull out the drawers of the Professor's cabinet and who knows what could happen.

Stewart can say this with fervor because, as his entertainments confirm, mathematics exposes the reality beneath the facade of reality that most of us are happy with. There are hundreds of these confections and all of them are presented with a fizzy enthusiasm and good humor missing from the gloomy math lessons of my own schooldays.

Astounding World of Numbers

Mathematics as what we have in mind is always problem solving and finding its x and the other letters in the alphabet. And so Marcus du Sautoy, Oxford professor and pop-sci mathematician extraordinaire, takes a look at the history of maths and why it is so important.

The fourth episode, To Infinity and Beyond, concludes the series. After exploring Georg Cantor's work on infinity and Henri Poincare's work on chaos theory, he looks at how mathematics was itself thrown into chaos by the discoveries of Kurt Godel, who showed that the unknowable is an integral part of maths, and Paul Cohen, who established that there were several different sorts of mathematics in which conflicting answers to the same question were possible. He concludes his journey by considering the great unsolved problems of mathematics today, including the Riemann Hypothesis, a conjecture about the distribution of prime numbers. A million dollar prize and a place in the history books await anyone who can prove Riemann's theorem.

First top, du Sautoy discusses about David Hilbert who posed twenty-three then unsolved problems in mathematics which he believed were of the most immediate importance. Hilbert succeeded in setting the agenda for 20thC mathematics and the programme commenced with Hilbert's first problem.And also Georg Cantor considered the infinite set of whole numbers 1, 2, 3 ... ∞ which he compared with the smaller set of numbers 10, 20, 30 ... ∞. Cantor showed that these two infinite sets of numbers actually had the same size as it was possible to pair each number up; 1 - 10, 2 - 20, 3 - 30 ... etc.

Next Marcus discusses Henri Poincaré's work on the discipline of 'Bendy geometry'. If two shapes can be moulded or morphed to each other's shape then they have the same topology. Poincaré was able to identify all possible two-dimensional topological surfaces; however in 1904 he came up with a topological problem, the Poincaré conjecture, that he could not solve; namely what are all the possible shapes for a 3D universe.

The final section briefly covers algebraic geometry. Évariste Galois had refined a new language for mathematics. Galois believed mathematics should be the study of structure as opposed to number and shape. Galois had discovered new techniques to tell whether certain equations could have solutions or not. The symmetry of certain geometric objects was the key. Galois' work was picked up by André Weil who built Algebraic Geometry, a whole new language. Weil's work connected number theory, algebra, topology and geometry. Finally du Sautoy mentions Weil's part in the creation of the fictional mathematician Nicolas Bourbaki and another contributor to Bourbaki's output - Alexander Grothendieck.

Well I could then say that without the help of these wondrous guys, we won't be who we are today. Truly and indeed, mathematics has contributed starting from the minute ones up to vast and wide ones.