Friday, March 14, 2014


For our presentation of our topic, Statistics, we opened it with games. The first game was a quiz bowl wherein questions about statistics were asked. It has 15 items with a corresponding points, level of difficulty and time for the other groups to answer. The second game was kind a betting game wherein each group would bet whether a given card is a high card or a low card.

“Statistics as a Science or an Art” was our chosen topic to discuss in a debate like manner. Some points were made by the groups representing the Statistics as a Science and Statistics as an Art. Some of this points is that Statistics is a Science because it is a science of learning data, measuring, controlling and communicating uncertainties.

Statistics is an Art because a statistical data is be represented by graphs, charts and other visual aids. Statistics is not just an investigative art but is also a skill of handling facts. Through statistics, one can express his or her creativeness through his presentation of data. One could also interpret his own version depending of his understanding of a given problem. In the end, we concluded that statistics is both science and art because they work hand in hand in order for us to have an accurate statistical data.

We ended our presentation with a role play wherein one student is having a problem with his statistics subject and his friends came in and helped him. And that summarizes our Statistics report.


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