Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rock Papers Scissors

Rock, Papers, Scissors

This book introduced and applied the concept of a Game Theory, referred to as a young science and also a study of making strategic decisions. It uses a mathematical model that they incorporate between intellectual decision makers. There are different elements of game theory that applies different strategies. The author, Len Fisher, uses experiments to perform his game that is related to the game theory and different instances in life can be explained by the game theory.

Game theories can be related to subjects like biology, politics and others where strategy can be applied because it is applicable and relevant to different subject matter. This book gives us the insights about the key ideas in game theory. The book discussed in the first chapter about the “trapped in a matrix” that describes one of the dilemmas mentioned in the book. The second chapter is the introduction of concepts about minimax and fair division. Chapter three is somehow the main topic because it discussed the “seven deadly dilemmas” that became the most interesting part of the game theory. These dilemmas are the following: Prisoner’s Dilemma, Tragedy of the Commons, Free Rider problem, Brinkmanship, Volunteer’s Dilemma, Battle of the Sexes and last but not the least Stag Hunt. The 4th chapter was about the title itself “rock, papers, scissors” that can be used in resolving conflicts in the game by using strategies and resembling it to the “rock, papers, and scissors” game situation. While the chapters five to eight were all about collaboration or cooperation with science.

Reading this book taught me the different strategic decisions about life and introduction of real-life game theories. I would recommend this book to everyone for them to have an idea on how to achieve trust and change our life’s game to escape the dilemmas and unwanted consequences in playing your life’s game theory. I can say that the author had a great job in introducing the Game Theory.

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