Friday, March 21, 2014

Strategic Decisions (BOOK REVIEW: Rock, Paper, Scissors)

Game theory is using mathematical models to come up to strategic decisions or making strategic decisions related to the game theory. In psychology, politics and other sciences that use strategies, “Rock, Paper, Scissors” give us the idea, application and relevance of the game theories in these fields. The first chapter, “trapped in a matrix” that relates one of the dilemmas mentioned in the book. The second chapter where there is the introduction about the concepts of minimax and fair division. Chapter three which the “seven deadly dilemmas” is discussed that became the most interesting part of the game theory. These 7 dilemmas are: Prisoner’s Dilemma, Tragedy of the Commons, Free Rider problem, Brinkmanship, Volunteer’s Dilemma, Battle of the Sexes and Stag Hunt. The 4th chapter was about the title itself “rock, papers, scissors” that can be used in resolving conflicts in the game by using strategies and resembling it to the “rock, papers, and scissors” game situation. While the chapters five to eight were science-related topics.

Reading this book teach me the idea of life at different strategic decisions. Strategic decisions in life that can be use to escape the consequences and dilemmas in game theory-like life. 

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