Saturday, March 22, 2014


 “I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.”
                                                                                                                        -Bill Gates
C- omplex
O- perational
M- odern
P- rocessor
U- seful
T- echnological
E- ducational
R- eliable
S- pecific source

            Considering all of these attributes of a computer, one could really agree with the powerful statement of Gates above. Computers are indeed one of the greatest creations of mankind. Such wow should be offered to the life-changing accomplishments of the pioneers of computer and its software which includes Gates himself.

            Some may contradict this statement but whether these people like it or not, admit it or not, the truth is still there for them to face and that is the existence of computers wherever they set their eyes upon and wherever they go. The unstoppable era of computer had come and had a great impact in our lives. It has played a huge part in the lives of the present generation and will still continue to dominate until the next generations to come.

            This is now the stand of our group: to make the whole class realize the importance or major contributions of computers to them as well as to the other people from the past years that had passed through.

            Our group allocated one day for our games and fun stuff and another day for the debate and our live creative presentation. 

          During the first day, unfortunately, the copy of the game I made which I presumed to be very interesting and unique was corrupted due to acquired virus in my flash drive. I knew it! There would really be problems yet nothing could be done in unexpected technical error like this to happen. It’s just that it’s too basic for us to anymore be noticed. I really felt hurt with this and I feared our dear professor might be very disappointed as well.

            Taking control of the situation, we proceeded to the next game which was prepared by my group mate who was absent that time. It was a charade- like game wherein a group representative will let his or her group mates guess the given word or set of words in connection with computers. They all found the game so easy yet another glitch turned out to be with the scoring system and our group found some bias with it too.

            Second day came and we made all necessary preparations prior to these to assure us of better and smooth-sailing outcome this time. We started off with a debate with regards to the advantages and disadvantages of computers in different aspects and perspectives. The issues were resolved through the conclusion that computers are indeed advantageous in general but some disadvantages may occur and it is on the part of the users to manage them.

            Lastly, our group discussed the history of computers and their progress in technology which we had portrayed in a form of a television show. The history of computers was then divided into five generations. The first one used vacuum tubes, second one used transistors, while the third one used silicon chips. The fourth one was differentiated only from the third by means of change in the number of circuits that can be packed into a single chip. This resulted mainly on the increase in the usage of personal computer and dramatic reduction in its cost.

            The future generation is anticipated to be able to make logical decisions for itself (artificial intelligence), and carry out several processes at the same time with one central processing unit or otherwise called as parallel processing. In the fifth generation, computers process data with light pulses instead of electrical pulses, processing data faster than anyone can ever imagine, operates in a speed of light, hundreds of times faster than computers of today.

            I hope that more students could experience and uncover the delight in tracing back the history of computers and having a more in depth research with regards to computers- major benefactors in tasks of our daily living. Besides that, no one knows what lies ahead and so we humans should just wait and see for the unexpected. As time goes by and many more improvements are very much possible, computers should stay as equally beneficial as they are at present. Advancements should not lead to the destruction of lives but instead on the betterment of our world that the other generations may follow and be inspired to take up science and technology related courses when the time comes. 

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