Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Individual Report (Computers)

            We are the Group 5 (computers) and we are assigned to tackle/report all about computers, aside from that, this will be presented with creativeness.
            The day before our report, we’re not be able to meet as a group due to the different and/or conflicting schedules and availability. But we looked some alternative ways to meet our needs, so we planned to make a chat box in one social networking site---Facebook. This was where we gave our suggestions, comments and reactions. Two of our classmates made the game for the group. On that day, we’re not be able to gather again as a whole group before the presentation, so as a result our group presentation (game) was a mess. I felt embarrassed during that time so to overcome that feeling, we comforted ourselves and talked about our next presentation by the next day. We planned to have a debate about passing cybercrime law and made video presentation, but in the end, it’s different from what we had just planned due to some technical problem.
            By the next day, in preparation of our next presentation, we do a last minute practice and rehearsal. We assigned the different task to each member of the group.
            Our first performance was a debate. The house was comprised of two groups: the affirmative and negative. The debate to be debated was about the advantages and disadvantages of computers to each individual. Our debate lasted several minutes but it was not a plain debate but also it was more on discussion. After that, we proceeded to the next enactment.
            The second one was quite nice but we are all unprepared. It was like a T.V. or talk show with matching fieldtrip that were handled by Christy and Regelle. It was entitled “Isn’t it amazing? (Amazing!), isn’t it surprising? (Surprising!), isn’t it? It covers all about computer, its history, parts, contributions and many more. In history, the topic that being discussed were the five generations of developing computers.
 The first generation was about the emerging of ENIAC system on the late 1946. ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, this was built by the University of Pennsylvania. It has a purpose electronic computer and for research. It was costing up to $US400 000. The second generation was the development of transistors on 1959. This was the time where the transistors was commercially available. Transistors was a little bit smaller than vacuum tubes, greater reliability and less power. It was about twenty times faster than ENIAC. In the third generation is the production of silicon chips. This was used instead of transistors. In the fourth generation of computers was, there was no clear distinction between the 3rd and 4th but it was more on production of circuits in one chip. This led to mass usage of computers. The fifth and the last one was about the pulses of computers. It was now more on light pulse instead of electrical pulses. The computers literally operate “at the speed of light” and process faster hundreds of data than computers today.
In the parts of computers, this was reported by Hanna Calisay and the contributions were tackled by Kathrina Abunado. The rest of us were the props committee (J).
            Today computers are everywhere. I can’t imagine my life without it. Due to the fact that as a student, you need to pass all reports. Computers made our needs easier. We can surf and get information to uncle google. We can easily connect to our love ones who are in abroad. But apparently, this would also result to our dependent and laziness. Computers can be advantage and/or disadvantage but this also depend on how you handle it. It is a matter only of time management, self-discipline and mind set. As a whole, computers are helpful and they are improving as the time goes by.

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